More Pictures
Since Blogger can't seem to put a ton of pics in one post, here are more pictures I wanted to share.
One of the nicer looking open areas of Kampala, where people can play soccer and stuff.

The infamous car park. Think of a train terminal, where all the trains meet, and depart for different destinations, only turn it into a mob of mini-vans. There are little signs that say what general area the taxi-vans are going to, and you just kinda ask around and hope for the best.

Another picture of the Nile- only this time at Jinja, where I'm standing at the "Mouth of the Nile." It's not really the mouth, since there are a lot of tributaries that contribute to the Nile, but it's one of the big ones. Where I'm standing there used to be a waterfall, but the Owen Dam flooded it well, and all that's left are just those pylons that I'm standing on.

Here's me protected against the hordes of mosquitoes that go bump in the night- This picture was taken upcountry, in Lira, where mosquitoes abound, but not as badly as in Apac. No bites that night, thankfully- good fan system, and pretty good hotel, though the room was rather cramped.

I'll probably try to do some work in the labs from here on out, and supplement it with some data entry on the surveillance side of the project. I'm still struggling with learning Stata commands, but if they don't have a specific task they want me to do tomorrow, I'm going to read drug-resistance papers and spend a good chunk of time doing the online tutorials that UCLA put up for Stata- should be helpful for commands and getting what I want out of the program.
Finished off the night by going across the street to the Blue Mango to get dinner (got a whole tilapia, wrapped in thyme or some herb and with wedges of garlic, served with potato wedges- pretty good) and to watch the World Cup games, namely the US game. The US got pretty handily crushed, and we were commenting that the Czech guy who scored all the goals must be getting a big bonus for every goal he scores (I think that's the way most countries motivate their players in general, with bonuses for good performance of the team and players, but I might be wrong- I just heard something about it on the radio today too. The Ugandan sportscaster was saying that if Uganda had a soccer team, and the Ugandan government had to pay those bonuses for good performance, all the cabinet members and president would be praying for the team to always lose).
One of the nicer looking open areas of Kampala, where people can play soccer and stuff.

The infamous car park. Think of a train terminal, where all the trains meet, and depart for different destinations, only turn it into a mob of mini-vans. There are little signs that say what general area the taxi-vans are going to, and you just kinda ask around and hope for the best.

Another picture of the Nile- only this time at Jinja, where I'm standing at the "Mouth of the Nile." It's not really the mouth, since there are a lot of tributaries that contribute to the Nile, but it's one of the big ones. Where I'm standing there used to be a waterfall, but the Owen Dam flooded it well, and all that's left are just those pylons that I'm standing on.

Here's me protected against the hordes of mosquitoes that go bump in the night- This picture was taken upcountry, in Lira, where mosquitoes abound, but not as badly as in Apac. No bites that night, thankfully- good fan system, and pretty good hotel, though the room was rather cramped.

I'll probably try to do some work in the labs from here on out, and supplement it with some data entry on the surveillance side of the project. I'm still struggling with learning Stata commands, but if they don't have a specific task they want me to do tomorrow, I'm going to read drug-resistance papers and spend a good chunk of time doing the online tutorials that UCLA put up for Stata- should be helpful for commands and getting what I want out of the program.
Finished off the night by going across the street to the Blue Mango to get dinner (got a whole tilapia, wrapped in thyme or some herb and with wedges of garlic, served with potato wedges- pretty good) and to watch the World Cup games, namely the US game. The US got pretty handily crushed, and we were commenting that the Czech guy who scored all the goals must be getting a big bonus for every goal he scores (I think that's the way most countries motivate their players in general, with bonuses for good performance of the team and players, but I might be wrong- I just heard something about it on the radio today too. The Ugandan sportscaster was saying that if Uganda had a soccer team, and the Ugandan government had to pay those bonuses for good performance, all the cabinet members and president would be praying for the team to always lose).
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